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Here is Zippy share for quick downloads
Hey newbie, thanks for the share, next time let the requester know that you shared it. (i did it for you this time) Also when posting a share, make sure to add the salespage.
Thanks for sharing
Review :
1. It's about promoting Aweber (autoresponder service for anyone who doesn't know)
2. It's a 39 page pdf guide/report
3. he explains pretty well the different types of review posts/articles you could write
4. Nothing new, and to tell you the truth at the first pages it was a little tiring (he was explaining, which is good don't get me wrong, what is aweber and the commission you would earn)
Anyway for an experienced marketer it doesn't show anything new.
Thanks to OP and also to NataliG for review, repped both
My thanks to the first 4 posters - Lawro, Funky, Tech N9ne and NataliG - for OP, Zyppyshare, WF Sales letter and review.
You all have been repped. Have a nice weekend,
My unbiased review - best report you'll read this year. If you're in a place like this asking for a free handout it often means you don't yet have the knowledge or take enough action to make money online, or it's just fun to get the adrenaline rush by doing illegal stuff, or you're broke and can't afford the ten bucks. Or maybe some combination.
I get all three. People ask me all the time for help, saying they're dead broke and need something to get them by. I'll give them something. They do nothing.
You wouldn't believe the stories. I'm 75 years old and blah blah blah. I'm in the hospital and blah blah blah. I'm a teenager living in a shack without electricity and blah blah blah.
Do you ever think if someone asked you how to make a $100, and you told them to go pick up the $100 bill laying on the street, that they would manage to f*ck it up?
Here's some real advice for a place like this. Forget the report. You're not going to use any of the strategies so you're just wasting computer space. You know it. I know it.
But, for these types of products you can usually cookie stuff the crap out of them and no one cares.
Brian Kindsvater
How $58,443.92 was made in virtually passive affiliate income.
This is the sort of eye-opening concept you can look for in other products. Create your own USP (Unique selling proposition) for a product, even as an affiliate, and have a breakthrough in making money.
This report includes the affiliate program that has made the author $58,443.92 and is currently generating $8.45 per click for him.
Salespage >>
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Aw. already shared.