Just share them here lol!
(06-29-2014 08:45 AM)James Drews Wrote: [ -> ]Just share them here lol!
I've done that b4!
I had the only working script on the net , while everyone was so desparate to put their hands on a working script.
I got so disapointed and pissed off!
Thousands of members used MY scripts , most of them where bloody leachers.
I've had my lesson , now if you want to get you must give first!
I'm not asking for money , just a bit of respect.
rep added please do pm me the link for download
(07-04-2014 06:29 AM)venki9990 Wrote: [ -> ]rep added please do pm me the link for download
I don't see your REP
Anyway it's you who needs to send me PM with information about REP and which modules you are interested in.
+REPs added.. pmed you for your scripts. :)
(07-05-2014 12:07 AM)Tambay Wrote: [ -> ]+REPs added.. pmed you for your scripts. :)
Thanks for the REP !
PM'd you the download link.
Rep 5+ added
PMing you
(07-05-2014 05:26 AM)pahsurf Wrote: [ -> ]Rep 5+ added
PMing you
Thanks for the REP!
PM'd you the download link.
rep added plz may i request the download link