06-28-2014, 11:11 AM
Invite Manager is ideal for projects where you want to give users the opportunity to register their interest in your product or service so that you may contact them with an invite code when you are ready to start rolling out your service.
Features / What you get
Users can enter their email address and can be notified with an invite code when you are ready to launch your project.
Users can sign in using their Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Windows Live, Xbox Live, Google Plus and Yahoo accounts.
User can befriend one another but also have the option to simply follow other users to get their notifications.
Users can edit their profiles.
Users have profile pages.
Robust password recovery for users.
Easy to extend and manipulate data stored in the CMS using built-in API.
Intuitive install process for CMS.
Admin users can add new pages to the site.
Full database and file backup.
Easily manage which groups of users (Members, Administrators) can access which areas of your site.
Simple and intuitive examples to help you make changes to better suit your specific needs.
Straightforward API for more advanced users.
Demo : Codecanyon
Download : Zippyshare