my old samsung laptop got locked
and i dont have any idea what the bios/system password is
can someone help me
heres the model no. / SN
Enter any password three times and give me the code.
i amnot going to research this for ya. i am posting because there are solutions so don't get discouraged. possible solutions would include:
1: finding the jumper(if any on your laptop) that would reset the bios. a jumper is a little rubber thing that you remove or swtch over to another prong. wait 15 minutes and move it back. bios would be reset to default.
2: removing the bios battery. one of the things this control is your internal clock. just remove it for a while and put it back in. when you put it back in, sometimes your computer will be reset to default. if not, you will have to reload your default settings.
3: software. there is software that can bypass the password and possibly even let you reset it.
just google your problem. i'm sure something will come up to fix it. i wouldn't sweat it though. there IS a solution. i only have enough time to post what i did and ease your worries a little.