06-27-2014, 03:29 AM
"Discover the Natural Herbal Cures and Remedies Used to Treat Illness
and Disease for Hundreds of Years...STOP Using Unnecessary Drugs and
Pills, and Learn the Natural Cures Doctors Never Informed You About!"
"Here are just a few amazing facts you'll learn in this book!"
Learn the natural health concepts: Hydrotherapy, Herbalism, Eclectic Medicine and Natural Hygiene
How you can use sugar and fat to your advantage, instead of cutting them out of your diet.
Learn the danger's of pharmaceutical drugs and how you can avoid the bad drugs and pills.
Discover the precise nature and and structure of a chemical in an herb. And how they react to your body and internal organs
Learn how the chinese combine their natural medicinal herbs.
Discover natural cures to treat all kinds of disorders...like the common cold or preventing influenza.
Learn one of the oldest forms of health care dating back a few hundred
years. Alternatives that are very safe and no side-effects.
The most important herbal supplements you should be adding to your diet.
Learn the absolute truth about off-the-counter drugs. And how they can affect you and your family.
Natural skin remedies to help your skin feel fresh and rejuvenated!
Forget about using that drugstore synthetic face wash. Discover the natural facial remedies to cure your blemishes and acne!
The facts and research in this ebook benefits everyone - Whether you're a
21 year old student in University or you're retired at the healthy age
of 65, you'll find the information within this 72 page book very useful.
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