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To continue,

I would genuinely like to know what pain points you have with this internet stuff.

You can continue to be angry with me...that's fine...this is the internet.

But clearly you're still looking for some "bullet"...I'm just wondering what that would be. It's strange to me that you would refund a product then still go through a 2-hour video course if you hate my stuff so much.

How can I learn what to do better for something in the future. Slightly more positive replies appreciated ;)
(06-23-2014 11:10 PM)BacklinksGuy Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the kind feedback.

We have a lot more success stories in the forum than I shared in the course. I might update it with a few of those as they are pretty inspiring.

What I'm about to say is very ironic because I'm on a community which thrives on sharing things for free, but once I got out of this "information junkie" mindset of being on these kind of forums, my success sky-rocketed.

That's not to say don't post here, but if there's a model you like, actually pay for it instead of just downloading it. The value you give something you've downloaded for free is so miniscule. Don't beleive me? How many things have you downloaded from here and not put into use? There's your answer.

I'm not even talking about my stuff. Just Frank Kern, Ryan Deiss, anyone.

I recently did my first ever webinar and purchased a $500 product to help me put it together. I could have torrented it very easily without anyone knowing - as well as this person's other products - but I gave it so much more attention knowing I had invested hard-earned money into it.

[Image: BFeEEOh.jpg]

Now of course, someone is going to tell me what what I just posted is bullshit because they had success with something they torrented or got on here for free. That's fair enough and I'm sure it happens. Just posting from my own perspective. It took me more than three years of reading sites like this before I started making a proper income I was very proud of.

My $0.02.
Motivation.. 42rock 42rock 42rock
Rep+ ya..
Just signed up for the free training
(06-23-2014 11:46 PM)Archon Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Glen,

Thank you for your words of wisdom and it's
nice to meet you as well. Thank my sleepless
night of research.

When you have many roads to chose from, which are deceiving
roads as internet marketing is, it's hard to choose one road in the first
place much-less, the road to success.

There is also the tendency to lose focus as we know we have to keep up
with the cutting edge of marketing as well as strategy.

Sometimes the greatest encouragement people need to see is others
succeeding to make them realize if they can do it I can. Internet Marketing
is full of what doesn't work as well, the deception and lack of authenticity.

This breaks the mental handicapping of limitations which ends when you see other
are successful which means what they did was authentic and if they can do it
you can do it as well.

We have more of an impact on each other that we realize and this is our value.

We must be determined to be more of value to ourselves by being more valuable
to each other.

We also must trust each other enough to commit to each other and raise our
value in building a relationship of trust and friendship which allows people to
be successful together.

That speaks for itself, 3 years to read forums and information before generating
an income let us know it's not the lack of information, but the lacking of to many
roads to get lost in.

This is very good information and should be shared more often.

Thanks for saying it outloud.. Smile Smile Smile Smile

(06-23-2014 11:24 PM)inservo Wrote: [ -> ]and here's my take on it (and I know that I will get much hate for this).

Yes, Glen once was great. Amazing posts on Viperchill but with this so called free video course he is only giving away generic fluffy stuff without being specific. Sentences like "Pick only one traffic source and dominate it" are bs to me. Sure you should focus on doing one thing at a time, but hey, for everyone who is not doing this for fun but to earn some dollars (aka treating this as a business), that's completely self-evident.

Another one, don't try to sell services to people where a lead is worth <$1k - come on. Of course all the business I would be talking to of course have their own ROI calculation. The local hair dresser would not even buy from me because they would expect a negative ROI.

Overall, this is a bunch of generic videos similar to the Marketing Inc stuff he sells at high ticket (I know because I signed up for Marketing Inc and was totally disappointed --> cancelled).

Here is a short summary: Build some high auhtority BL's using a PBN, add generic stuff and target niches like "injury lawyer oklahoma" --> rank for this then rent out your site. ABSO-FUCKIN-LUTELY nothing new here for me. Totally disappointed that Glen chose the road of foolin' people into his programs...
Let me give you some unsolicited free advice.

Just because YOU personally know one or more of the marketing methods being discussed, doesn't mean everyone else does and it certainly has no bearing on the quality of the information. There are PLENTY of noobs on here as well as on the net in general who are new to Internet marketing.

Obviously it's a marketing funnel that pushes the free line. That's EXACTLY how a funnel is designed to work. It's designed to build rapport, educate and funnel people up the ladder. It's also (if built correctly) designed to filter people like you out. Not attacking you, just stating the obvious. Every single funnel I ever create has triggers to get rid of tire kickers, people with negative attitude problems, people that don't fit the target market, and well, plain old fashioned time wasting idiots and whiners.

So is he "foolin' people" or is it simply doing what it's designed to do?

Those who are continually learning, trying, testing and moving forward are the ones who succeed.
How about Links to all the Videos

Smile Smile Smile
Hi, first of all I rate the product 0/10

Anyways, I would move this to self referral/spam section for obvious reasons. Please
Don't destroy this community with your free funnel bullshtt
Glen is a good guy and has provided TONS of free value to people in the past. Once again I picked up something from him (you) here by mentioning Headspace, it looks pretty cool and I will probably sign up. Thanks for the tip, again.

For the record: I have not checked out his new free Marketing Inc. course yet, but if it helps others to achieve their dreams and stop working for someone else (the man)... then I am all for it.

Also, I totally agree with you about the fact that when we pay for something we tend to value it more and make a point to make use of it vs. a free DL. I personally keep a spreadsheet of all IM related products I have purchased as well as if I have used them or not and if not, why not, to keep me accountable for my spending on shiny objects.

The only reason I've left this thread here is because of the discussion and because of "maneaters" direct links. However, with that said, I'm in agreement that this is self promotion and not a share.

In the future, follow proper naming conventions, no hype subject line, use a product name and include direct links to files or mirrors.
where is exact product?
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