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Plz. help me need this wordpress theme i almost searched all the website but i did not find it

Main Features:

Crossbrowser compatible (IE8+);
Responsive layout;
WordPress version 3.6.1;
Advanced theme options console;
Drop-down navigation menu;
32 shortcodes: columns (row, clearfix, grids, fluid columns, clear), frame, citation (blockquote, time, author), button, message box, list, dropcaps, code, table (table, row, header cell, content cell, total cell), media (video), tabs (tabs container, tab item), accordion (accordion container, accordion title, accordion content), content toggle, content (popular posts, recent posts, recent comments, top box office, sitemap), site URL;
Post rating;
Sample data included;
SEO Optimized;
Youtube and Vimeo video support;
Sidebar position: left / right / without sidebar;
5 post formats: standard, image, video, link, quote;
4 additional post types: home page slider, video (trailer) gallery, photo gallery, reviews;
6 custom widgets: advertising area, Facebook like box, featured movie trailers, photo galleries, trailers (accordion), twitter;
21 custom page templates: Default Template, 2 Column Photos With Sidebar, 2 Column Videos With Sidebar, 3 Column Photos, 3 Column Videos, 4 Column Photos, 4 Column Photos With Sidebar, 4 Column Videos, 4 Column Videos With Sidebar, 6 Column Photos, 6 Column Videos, Archives, Blog With Left Sidebar, Blog With Right Sidebar, Fullwidth Blog, Contact Page, Front Page Template, Fullwidth Page, Page with Left Sidebar, Page with Right Sidebar, Photos, Videos;
600+ Google fonts;
Advertising area;
25 well-organized PSD files;
Documentation and much moreā€¦

Thanks in advance Smile
Reference URL's