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Full Version: Need Help !!!!!
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Ok ... the problem i´m facing and need help with ,is with the FB page impressum section!

Does anyone here know and has an dummy example to share with me!

I know that is basically a about/legal disclaimer section ... but if i don´t want to attach/connect any actual website/webpage
to that page and just keep it as a community! If i´d attach a website/webpage to the FB page ... i´d just use the websites legal disclaimer ... but that is not the case here!

What i need is a default/general FB page/community disclaimer dummy/example!

Thanks in advance! Cool

also posted the thread here:
Just post something related with the topic above
..... don´t want to feel like i´m all alone with that problem?
Sorry, I wish I had something to show you. You've been such an amazing contributor that I just wanted to show some appreciation for your efforts.

Wish I could help more than just say thanks. I just didn't want this thread to be empty, with all the help you provide.

I hope an answer comes soon.

Like breezin704, I hope you find assistance. FaceBook is perhaps my biggest weakness. Heck, I didn't even understand the question because I never understood FB.
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