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Full Version: [REQ] Create Passive Income Stream from Existing Kindle Books
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Does any one have this????

Create Passive Income Stream from Existing Kindle Books and Increase Royalties Using Audible and iTunes

Sales page:
You really don't need a WSO for this!

Take your book off KDP select and open accounts at apple (you need a mac to post new items though).

Try :

Google play store
Sound cloud
Nook store
Sony book store
Samsung store
and a ton of others if you search for them
For someone who knows all this it might seem easy to do. But for those who don't have knowledge, this guide could be an interesting read.

I'd be interested as well if someone can share. :-)
See you say that, but if you actually bother to go to the sites they ALL have step by step instructions, it's people who collect information because they "don't know" that never achieve anything...have you actually tried those sites? I bet I know the answer.
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