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Full Version: Business Card Call-to-Actions
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Imo its vital to have some sort of a call to action in your business cards. Even if it's a simple "call now for a free consultation". Now it would be great if you can somehow show them the value of calling you BUT, in certain situations it's not the easiest thing to do. QR codes kinda dying down a bit but still great. What are some of your call to actions that you used in the past?

Mistakes people use when they design a business card:

1. Card is too design oriented and not user friendly.
2. There's no call-to-action.
3. Information overload.
4. Trying to sell over a business card.
5. Bad choice of font/color
6. Less information (The whole thinking behind this is to make them find you instead of you giving them access. This is great if you can get away with it.)

Mods, please move this thread if it doesn't belong here. Thanks
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