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Full Version: [GET] WP Social FB Review Engine v.2.2.7
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Pages: 1 2
Thanks for uploading it, i gaved you rep,
And i already bought it from they website with a special discount and when i asked them about fix in it, they answer just 1 time/7 days , low support, and still i didnt got a fix from them
Now that's better. Their main developer is on a serious illness and have to take a leave hence support is running slow, but usually they'll respond fast. Good luck
(07-14-2014 08:57 PM)SUPREMUS Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,
Thanks for uploading it, i gaved you rep,
And i already bought it from they website with a special discount and when i asked them about fix in it, they answer just 1 time/7 days , low support, and still i didnt got a fix from them
Pages: 1 2
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