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[Image: 512IrLO-96L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

Detoxing and cleanses have never been hotter—but many of them leave
people cold with their strict liquid-only plans. Renowned raw foods chef
Ani Phyo has adapted her signature recipes into a customizable detox
with myriad health benefits. From building muscle, boosting energy,
enhancing physical and mental performance, and making your skin glow,
Phyo’s program offers the keys to lifelong health. She breaks down
misperceptions of a raw foods diet and offers an easy plan for overall
health and wellness based on delicious raw meals, from satisfying soups
and smoothies to hearty salads, wraps, and desserts. With easy-to-find
natural ingredients, all you need to do is eat up and speed up the fat
burning and weight loss.

Along with delicious recipes, Ani’s Raw Food Detox (previously published
in hardcover as Ani’s 15-Day Fat Blast) offers top fat-fighting
strategies and tools; lists of foods that burn fat, accelerate
metabolism, and boost energy and immunity; and much more.

Magic Button :
RAWsome share :) +5REP
nice share, thanks
Okidok, I am In like Flynn

Thank you for your continued sharing spirit!
Wonder how these recipes would work with Vodka. Lol
Grat share. Thanks a lot.
Vodka is great with fruit juices! You get also your vegetables with several pieces of carrot cake!
Seriously, 3wink
Rep added.
(06-23-2014 01:27 PM)NonConformer Wrote: [ -> ]Wonder how these recipes would work with Vodka. Lol
If you had enough Vodka in you, you wouldn't know or care if they worked or not. Smile
re-up request

another re-up request for this one

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