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Full Version: [GET] [Youtube Takeover 2014] Make THOUSANDS of DOLLARS every MONTH on YouTube WITHOUT creating any content | Worth $9.66
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Useful share. Thank you! Btw, what niche is he talking about?
(06-16-2014 03:03 PM)adarshron Wrote: [ -> ]+++Repped bro . . .Nice share . . .

1. How much do you need to spend for trying to rank your videos?
A: Personally, I have spent almost nothing on advertisement and my videos do rank quite high. As I've said in my sales copy, this is a fast-growing niche with almost 0% competition in terms in Internet marketing, so it is easy to rank.

This being said, some people on my mailing list have had excellent results (and certainly faster than mine) by promoting their videos with Adwords.

2. The way to make money with this method is to allow Google to place advertisements on the uploaded videos?
A: Yep.

3. If the niche you recommened starts getting saturated or too many people start fighting for the first page of Youtube results, will there be more niches to choose from with the content source that you recommend?
A: No, it's a pretty large niche, if that makes sense. It's also a niche where there is always new content needed/available.
(06-19-2014 11:04 PM)bhforum14 Wrote: [ -> ]Useful share. Thank you! Btw, what niche is he talking about?
I think he is talking about Gaming niche.
In YouTube Takeover, I will show you how to harness the power behind one of the fastest-growing niches on the Internet.
That niche is so new that it’s almost completely untouched by Internet marketers.
By targeting that niche, you will be able to consistently rank your videos on the first page of the YouTube search results and make thousands of dollars in ad sales.

Sale page

[url=>>>[[[Reported by Members as URL Shortener! Post the actual link!]]]<<</Y2BFPage]Download[/url]

Thanks for your share reps added
you welecome, and thanks for rep :)
Hey, I'm getting an error when going to the d/l page...Anyone else?
(06-22-2014 01:31 AM)luckyducky777 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, I'm getting an error when going to the d/l page...Anyone else?
Try it now,,,,,
Not working, please reup!
It's still not working my friend :-|

(06-22-2014 01:34 AM)javagose Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-22-2014 01:31 AM)luckyducky777 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, I'm getting an error when going to the d/l page...Anyone else?
Try it now,,,,,
Thanks for the attempted share but I am getting this when I click on the dl :www.*marked as spam*.com/Y2BFPage
Anybody have a mirror?
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