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Anyone want an invite to

There's no need as it's currently on open signup:
Hey OP - all three of your recommendations require registration and login - and another potential for being spammed to death. Are you on some recruiting drive. Quite frankly I find your invective loud, intrusive, and insulting. Who the hell are you to instruct me where to look or what to download. I thought I would come to this post and find some useful search strings but all I found was your tyranical outburst. If this forum is such an unproductive place what are you doing here - F*** off if you don't like it.
Excellent share. Rep added.

Could I get an invite to "the Vault"
Excellent post by o/p. Those who are seeking access to TV, may I request them to share their u/l:d/l ratio. Mine is in the range of 5.5 to 6.5. Obviously, there is a reason behind my asking this.
The Vault is one of the best sites out there
how to become a member?
Invites now all gone

Anyone who can send invitation to join?
I was a member of the Vault and the resources there are just incredible. I let it lapse due to family illnesses as my login no longer works.

I would really appreciate if you would be kind enough to send me an invite bro, love to be apart of the Vault again :) +5REP will be well added too.

Blessings my friends
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