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 Bestselling author of Trail of Crumbs and former food editor Kim
Sunee offers up her first cookbook; a curated and personal collection
of Kim's interpretation of 80 cherished recipes and cooking discoveries
from kitchens across the globe. Her culinary journey is complete with
stories of adventure, poetry, as well as luscious photography of food
and place.

  "There is a big difference between traveling to escape and traveling to discover. A Mouthful of Stars is
a book that shows the beauty of learning about yourself, the food you
eat, the world around you, and the wonderful people at every stop. It's a
poignant voyage through the smart writings and wonderful recipes of Kim
-- HUGH ACHESON, author of A New Turn in the South

 "Kim Sunee's food, life, and writing are the stuff of pure genius. When
she cooks, I am hungry, craving not just her food but also the essence
of her presence and the mindfulness with which she lives. She has taken
recipes from near and far, and served them to us with doses of
stylishness, honest ingredients, playful spices,and haunting flavors."
-- SUVIR SARAN, Top Chef Master and author of American Masala and Indian Home Cooking

  "A Mouthful of Stars
will immediately draw you into Kim's culinary journey through the
stories she shares of cooks and how they connect with their food. Get
ready to be transformed into her world of Flower and Ice, Down-and-Dirty
Rice, Tipsy Melons, and more. A Mouthful of Stars is a tasty and thoughtful combination of Zen and gourmet."
-- SARA FOSTER, author of Sara Foster's Southern Kitchen and The Foster's Market Cookbook

 "Kim Sunee is one of the most compelling memoirists writing today, and
on top of that, she is a gifted cook. I want to follow her everywhere
she goes, reflect on every thought in this moving story, and make a meal
of A Mouthful of Stars. I loved being immersed in the context of
each recipe, and was impressed by how effortlessly Kim can transport
dishes from near, far, and wide to her own kitchen and into ours."
-- MARTHA ROSE SHULMAN, food columnist for the New York Times

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