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Full Version: [Get] Flynax General Classifieds v.4.3 - NULLED and update tutorial 2014 !!!!!!!!!!!
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Thank you for sharing this
I have uploaded the file upload and have install the script i run the sql_update.sql frome the file v4.0.1_to_v4.1.0 in the admin panel but when i don't understand what to do
Any one try to install the flatty template or for that fact try to change the template in the admin? Corrupts the site after trying, before you try make a backup.
(06-18-2014 01:05 AM)freeway1 Wrote: [ -> ]Any one try to install the flatty template or for that fact try to change the template in the admin? Corrupts the site after trying, before you try make a backup.
fisrt of all,somebody make 50.000 threads,GET and REQ.....
i have fully working flynax website
even the language is different from general to pets.
best way is to upload to 000webhost or another else with filezilla,and make a account to and start editing.
search google example(white page
its a lot of work.
the script works fine! if you need some other templates or plugins, those can be found in other version of flynax classifieds, ex: autos and pets..
give us step by step guid... on the simple theme i cant upload images there a error u have to refrese the page to see the uploaded images and on fatty theme it does not work
(06-19-2014 11:42 PM)hershila12 Wrote: [ -> ]give us step by step guid... on the simple theme i cant upload images there a error u have to refrese the page to see the uploaded images and on fatty theme it does not work
flatty themes are beta,and you wil get a lot of errors,you most know some php language to fix them,or search in "" maybe they have there some answers there.
Hello could u share with me the last version of Shopping Cart and Bidding (1.0.2) and the banner for Flynax
Can I use this as a fresh install?
how to fix image upload?
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