06-14-2014, 03:43 AM
Magic Button :
AIO Mirror:
Magic Button :
I buy lots of PLR and much of it is junk that needs serious work and re-purposing. But if you are new to IM or affiliate marketing, this package is all you need to get going. It includes an excellent 72 page guide along with an entire sales funnel, graphics, site, emails, etc.
And it is f*cking current! (May 2014) Not some 2010 bullshit!
Lots of you have sent me PMs asking about the REAL ways to make money online. Some of you have never done it.
Well, this is it. But I know the actual question being asked more often is: How can I make money without needing to get off my a.ss and only pushing buttons?!
I cannot help you - NO ONE - can help you if you are unwilling to work and take steps to get out of your comfort zones! And that is where 99% of you are - you want the money but only
want to type on your keyboards.
NEWFLASH! That won't do sh.it to make you money!
So, if you cannot find ways to make money with the stuff in this 142MB download, you really need a 9 to 5 - IM just isn't for you.
Affiliate marketing is still the number one way to get started with almost nothing. Some serious IMers never do anything but affiliate marketing. And many make well into six figures a year doing nothing but selling other people's crap!
Affiliate marketing trumps trying to game Facebook, Google or any of the other bright and shiny things that online sellers are selling you every day.
If you have at least one solid product to sell, you have something to use when you DO get serious about selling using FB, YouTube or any other medium. Before you can use any of these "golden" venues, you have to have something to sell.
Yeah - that's the part none of these sellers for all this bright, shiny sh.it tell you. When you get one of their toys to conquer Google, Facebook or any other d.amn thing, what the hell are you supposed to sell?!
How do you convert all that awesome traffic into buyers that pay you? (Assuming the stuff in their products actually works - which it often doesn't!)
It's ALL in this package - everyone wants to know how to make money with ZERO product development expertise and few or no marketing/sales skills.
It is in this share, which is easily the best PLR package I have bought in 2014 - and one of the best single PLR packages I have ever bought.
Not only is this share incredibly useful by itself, the main product sets up selling all the product bonuses I got when I bought this through an affiliate seller.
(Yeah - imagine that - I bought through an affiliate! Affiliate marketing couldn't possibly work, could it?!)
Included is an 8 page PDF with 89 more links to products you can sell using the tactics and strategies in the main offer. It took my VA one day and a half to download everything. Some of the PLR products included are almost half a GB each.
And these are not crap products! There are videos, music tracks and ALL of it is PLR! I estimate It is at least a GB (probably closer to two GBs) of PLR ready to be used as-is, modified, made into derivative works or molded into other products.
Do you want to make money?!
Get off your hands! Stop downloading all the sh*t that will keep you poor and in "information overload" for the next decade.
This ONE share should keep you busy for at least a year - IF you are serious about doing this Internet moneymaking thing.
But if you insist on staying poor, just move on to the next SEO, Facebook or Google bullshit product and do nothing - just like you have been doing.
All it takes is one of these products to hit it big for you - you don't need every f*cking download in BBHF or anywhere. Some of the most successful sellers I know (million dollar earners) have ONE
product that their empires are built on.
And lots of you would laugh if you knew the niches some of these sellers are in.
The password for this is the usual BBHF forum standard. DO NOT ASK what it is. Search the forum if you do not know it - it is in about 1000 posts here.