Codecanyon Awesome Media Gallery
An elegant, robust and customizable php framework for any media sharing community.
Give your members the power to share collections of photos, images and videos with one another.
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Note: Never give me a REP+ unless you feel happy to give me.
Enjoy this share, If you will use the script to make money then seriously consider to buy it from the developer
Let us learn to buy products that we use it in live sites, so that developers have income for living and developing
Happy scripting
(06-14-2014 12:38 AM)ysakovs Wrote: [ -> ]fixed? what fixed?
1) Fixed Loading error in FireFox and Old Opera before "12.17"
2) Fixed Error in user Sign Up and login with FaceBook
3) corrected 3 DB rows
Note: Next time try to say thanks or hello before asking questions, Evolve whatever your background is !!!!

(06-14-2014 12:54 AM)ysakovs Wrote: [ -> ] (06-14-2014 12:50 AM)gamelover Wrote: [ -> ] (06-14-2014 12:38 AM)ysakovs Wrote: [ -> ]fixed? what fixed?
1) Fixed Loading error in FireFox and Old Opera before "12.17"
2) Fixed Error in user Sign Up and login with FaceBook
3) corrected 3 DB rows
Note: Next time try to say thanks or hello before asking questions, Evolve whatever your background is !!!!

Im sry and of course Thank you! :)
Hey hey, I was only kidding, you are just fine my friend
If you or anyone in need for any script, just ask and many kind people on the forum would bring it up to share
Enjoy and cheers

(06-14-2014 12:57 AM)PinayXXX Wrote: [ -> ]Rare find, thank you!
Thanks my friend, and the real thanks goes to the developer who made such a good script
Thanks to all kind BBHF members who shared something today, and encouraging all other quite members to step up and share with others what they have on their HDD

Thanks for ur time n share...
Multi.MiRRoR -
Credits to TopicOwner
(06-14-2014 02:12 AM)Almighty Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for ur time n share...
Multi.MiRRoR - Credits to TopicOwner
Thank you very much for your efforts with download link mirrors

Thanks for sharing but still this script looks bit unstable to me. Btw you have pretty avatar gamelover :P