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Hi there im new to online marketing and money making.. instead i never make any money online. im trying to test any method and step by step

My question:
  • how to make online money.. i would like to know if clickbank is good and proof before i waste my time on this click bank
  • how long it would take for me to setup a click bank and gain money
  • how much money i need to invest before i start gaining money
  • if clickbank is not good which method should i follow and realy giving me money online.

i want some feedback and guide from experienced member. this is very great forum im sure you guyz have alot experienced that cna share with newbis like me.. thank you very much!!
It's reality time!
Are you spoiled? You wanna make money online by asking those questions?

Let me give you your answers:
1. how to make online money.. i would like to know if clickbank is good and proof before i waste my time on this click bank ANSWER: There are millionaires making money on CB as vendors or affiliates. AND there are wannabes making NADA. Who do you wanna be?
2. how long it would take for me to setup a click bank and gain money
ANSWER: it could take you few hours (PLR product for a giveaway, simple squeeze page to get leads, some ads to lure them an squeeze page, autoresponder sequence to start "milking money") or forever (becoming MR perfect and never launching anything.
3. how much money i need to invest before i start gaining money
ANSWER: could be $10, or even less, or max your credit card and quit in disgust
4. if clickbank is not good which method should i follow and realy giving me money online.
ANSWER: you've set you up for failure even before starting anything. I don't wanna answer this and if you don't see the obvious, I am sorry.

My advice:
stop asking stupid questions and start reading and implementing stuff. You wanna try Clickbank, go ahead and give your best shot at it. NOT whine about it and ask if it's working or not. For some is and for some not.

I hope that I've answered your questions in a way that'll make you think. I know you'll appreciate this answers later on. IF you'll stick enough time in this GAME.

Go to CB website and find the 'CB Knowledge Base'. Pretty much everything you need to know how to get started is there. There's also a Clickbank forum on this website under the 'Earn Money Offline and Online'. There.. You may try to DL some of the ebooks/videos shared by the BBHF members. Cheers!
Clickbank is NOT a method. It's a network that allows you to sell other peoples products, or sell your own and let others promote for you.

You are asking the wrong question(s). And noone will help you out this way. My guess is that anyone who's making money here, started out at something. Probably losing money. I lost THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS before I actually made a friggin' dime. But it was all worth it. But in short:

Yes, you CAN make money with Clickbank, promoting products from there. It's very possible. And there are many methods to make this happen.

My final take on this:

If you are never going to view this as a business, which includes properly researching stuff before posting questions, you will never make a single penny.

This answered all your questions. Goodluck.
test and find out yourself.
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