Does anyone can find the WP Rocket Plugin ? :
It's a premium plugin which is very very much better than Wp Super Cache or than any other cache's Addon ! Very interesting for a lot of people !
I know a lot of websites in my country (france) which use it and it's very very faster than the others like they say :
I think that people read this topic and have a wordpress blog will want it like me too ^^ !

big bump for this one, it's a very interesting plugin if it's true !

yes... anybody has this ? please post
This is the plugin (i buy it) but it has to be nulled for you because a key is used... :!Xkxm2bhA!4OGUCAvxhm...LNY1krInYo
If someone can do it ? Because me too i need to have it nulled for install it on many of my websites without buying another licences.. It's theft from them to not being able to install it on several sites