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(06-14-2014 08:02 AM)diptafara Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks again. Installed and it seems to be fine, but it opens and immediatly it shuts down.
(06-14-2014 08:02 AM)diptafara Wrote: [ -> ]any advice?
(06-14-2014 08:02 AM)diptafara Wrote: [ -> ]best regards
(06-14-2014 08:02 AM)diptafara Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-14-2014 06:59 AM)sigmafactor Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks a lot but the posts you mentioned gave me a patch to upgrade the Titan 1988 version and said it is not possible as I do not have it installed yet.

any help ?

Download and Install Latest Version

Follow the instructions from Titan 1988
(06-14-2014 12:52 AM)saqqa Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-13-2014 11:30 PM)Titan1988 Wrote: [ -> ]Você precisa ter VERSÃO 1.0.8 para corrigir a trabalhar. PATCH BETA TEST (funcionando bem para mim e algumas outras pessoas) o patch.exe 2.Localize a instalação do seu programa (C: \ ProgramFiles (x86) \ Teeinspector) por padrão 3.Run o patcher 4.Run a aplicação e quando ele lhe pedir para registar basta clicar no botão de registo e deixar a todos default (cada vez que você executar). bugs conhecidos: Às vezes você precisará endtaks o teeinspector porque alguns valores louça remove que está se conectando a um servidor remoto (verificar o login e quem sabe o que) Mas no final tudo funciona bem.. esperança em seus comentários sobre o patch.BR DOWNLOAD: Vírus ele gots uma detecção por causa de usar a ferramenta de correção (tamanho do exe é de cerca de 90 MB) e tamanho da mancha é poucos KB.
maravilhoso,, representante ful adicionado

Otimo funcionou perfeitamente, agradeço e muito obrigado.
hi, once i click the exe patch file, my comp crash and shows the blue screen! :(
great patch.. I can horeee... thanks
Awesome share. Thanks diptafara and Titan1988
Rep +added
Thank you guys, reps given and I think it works. Off to go through ALL the videos and learn the software too!

I am happy (and saved it all off my puter, too big to keep on my hard drive),

Really Great! Thank you a lot!
woohoo patched worked ,, nothing like following instructions.

awesum thanks .. BLACKHAT,,
Im wandering does it take long to learn how to null software like u pros do..


maybe anutha life then,, lol..
any torrents for this huge download . pirate bay one is gone.
can someone put it up plz. thanks.
i will add maxreps as possible for you ,, you served a lot for us god bless you and i will with reps
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