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Full Version: [REQ] Simple CPA Profits
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Magic Button :

First post, hope you like.
Rep Given ..

I wonder if this is the right one..the date on the pdf says March 2014
I doubt it's that's if its stamped March 2014
Heyye guess what..I just finished the pdf.

Took me 7 minutes!!!

Yes seven read it...

Nothing earth shattering, except the mentioning of tracking.....
Yeah, is a pretty quick read.

Not sure about the file dates - but didn't expect much for a $7 WSO

There is also an OTO that I wasn't able to find earlier here - pdf in there is a couple days later but still from March:

Magic Button :
Thanks for sharing.
Nothing new. Doing PPC on Bing
Thanks for the share! Reps given!
PQ Lol
Thanks for the share Axiel. But jeez, really!? Have not seen anything this lame for a while.

Literally apply to Bing, find an offer on Offervault, get accepted to Network running offer, find keywords from Google KW Planner (top 100), set up campaign on Bing with tracking and pay no more than 5 cents a click. That is the whole secret. Cats out of the bag people. Let the money flow . . .
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