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Full Version: [GET] How to Translate Salient Theme Wordpress ?
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Demo :

I downloaded the template here : and in so many others links that i can't understand, normally there should be translation files included in the theme's folders, but i don't see them anywhere, it is clearly stated in the "informations" on the official topic of the theme :
Where are the PO/MO langages files ? Is it having a cracked version, or is it in the theme settings?

If a person have a link for the PO/MO files, thanxxx to you, and if you know something tell me please. (Sorry for my very bad english but i come from France :))
(06-11-2014 03:41 AM)Xoxorgne Wrote: [ -> ]Demo :

I downloaded the template here : and in so many others links that i can't understand, normally there should be translation files included in the theme's folders, but i don't see them anywhere, it is clearly stated in the "informations" on the official topic of the theme :
Where are the PO/MO langages files ? Is it having a cracked version, or is it in the theme settings?

If a person have a link for the PO/MO files, thanxxx to you, and if you know something tell me please. (Sorry for my very bad english but i come from France :))
check the /lang directorie
Thanks, i thought there was pre translated files, but now i'm trying to translate it manually thank you for the informations :)
Quel langage tu veux ?
Et bien c'était le français ;) J'ai traduis a 97% maintenant, mais tu l'avais en français ?
(06-16-2014 04:55 AM)Xoxorgne Wrote: [ -> ]Et bien c'était le français ;) J'ai traduis a 97% maintenant, mais tu l'avais en français ?
Oui je l'avais!
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