I created a campaign on Teespring the other day but didn't do the proper research on how to advertise my t-shirts. Could you offer any assistance, free products, products to pay for, best paid advertising, advertising methods that work best for you.
My teespring url is
Thank you again for any tips you can offer me
I usually don't reply to these types of posts, but this time I'm going to.. I'm going to give you some advice, and let you know why I (and the majority of others in any forum) will ignore you.
Let's start with the good stuff.
Your Tshirt and chosen niche.
Design is fine, though you've got to be verrrry careful about copyrights lately. It's serious business. Could you imagine your first huge winning campaign, you've made $1453 in profit and all of a sudden!!! POOF GONE! Teespring shuts you down with a copyright violation. You lose every penny you made AND every penny you spend on advertising.
Moving on..
Sports has been done, over and over and over and over again. You have to get CURRENT events and trends, something people NEED to buy, NOW! Like, yesterday right now!
The other option, is you need to combine niches, you need to target them so good that your audience simply CANNOT believe that there is a teeshirt just sitting in their newsfeed that is so obviously made just for them!! They've got to get off FB and phone and tell a friend because it is just that bat-sh*t crazy and noone will ever believe them, that a tshirt, saying 'xyz' was in THEIR newsfeed!? What are the odds?!
-->There are a million of n00bs like you who are too late to the party..
You're not doing any research or taking the time to learn things, let alone updated + current best practices, therefore you're going to fail, over and over again, until you crawl back into your hole with what little motivation you have left and L*** your wounds. -and by wounds I mean the hundreds of dollars lost on FB ads.
Asking strangers for help on a forum you've been a member of for 2 YEARS but have only posted 24 times and have 0 reputation, meaning you've never contributed, FYI, does not count as doing research.
I had a look at your posts to make sure I wasn't judging you unfairly, but you have in fact been active on this forum for the past 2 years continuously and 90% of that time was spent in the Self Promotion section and the rest was getting things that were shared for free.
(Disclaimer, I signed up in '12, visited once then completely forgot about this forum until a a month ago, so don't think because I only have a rep of 26 this makes me a hypocrite.)
Ok, my bitterness is showing its stripes, so I guess that means now we're getting into the reason that I never stop to answer questions like this.
You're brand new here, you've never contributed a thing. Yet you think you can waltz over, sit down at our table, interrupt the conversation and ask us to tell you not only everything we know, but specifically what's worked for us. You want us to tell you what works best for us, so you can go out there, do the same, and become our direct competition.
Not f*cking likely.
You are literally surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of resources, FREE resources, that other forum members went out of their way to post here for you.
Yet you're still here, hoping someone will hold your hand and tell you the easy way, tell you all the things it took them countless hours studying tutorials, guides, case studies, and hundreds if not thousands of dollars spent on advertising, trying to learn and perfect, we're talking serious trials and tribulations here.
Are you starting to see why I don't ever answer questions like this?
Time for some introspect, time for some reevaluation, and time for you to put on your big-boy pants and get to work.
If you did your research, and learned the right way, even the BLACK HAT 'right' way, and that's not saying much lol - you can make a cool million by this time next year.
We are all our own worst enemies. Try and be smarter than who you were yesterday.