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Full Version: [GET] [HOT] Laughingbird Software The Logo Creator 6.8.0 New version + Bonus Pack
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SwEeT ShArE, REPs GiVeN here's the update to version 7. Worked when I updated it from 6.8 that I picked up here.
Great share. +REP.
Where is the bonus pack download link ?
Thanks. Nice share.
reup bonus pack
please thank

Bonus pack
(02-06-2016 09:05 AM)ArtistOmega Wrote: [ -> ][hide][/hide]

Bonus pack

Thanks +Rep Added
Review :

I found this very clunky....not all that easy ....lots of ads for more of their other (ugly) graphic deals - I honestly am confused about the "excitement" over this - no one has ever come back and said they are using this and selling these graphics..I mean seriously these are bad. NO offense to those who kindly share but this just puzzles me

does anyone actually sell and create logos with this ? Would any business buy a logo like this in 2016?

It reminds me of old old graphic clip art "bruderbund" - way in the dark ages of computers....shit some old dos graphics look better than some of this stuff

I tried this and deleted it..there are so many other options

Photoshop of course is primo -

but Gimp is free - download and enjoy

I am liking Canva - a nice online design program
I don't buy their stuff but I like their templates, I upload my own stuff

Lunapics has some nice options for quick on the fly stuff - want to remove a background super quick ? give it a try

Online-Image-Editor is a very quick option, very nice for layering, some ok fonts
I like it for doing quick social media graphics

I mean if you want to make a logo that looks like it would fit an old Tripod site in 1999 or you want graphics designed for Myspace then this Logo maker stuff might be ok.
Maybe some gamer sites still like this look? I don't know
Thanks Nice Thread
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