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Mass Email Creator Bot (from >>>[[[Reported by Members as self-promotion. Please post the actual direct link!]]]<<<)

Working uBot mass email creator bot


Changelog :
1.0 Initial release

1.1 Added support for private proxies, format is ip:port:username:password
Added - sets spam filter to none

1.2 Fixed a small bug when using private proxies

1.5 Changed AOL signup method
Added random user agent for each thread (randomly chosen from a 400+ built in list)
Added - Chooses random extension , sets spam filter - Doesn't work with US proxies
Added - CB has a low success rate for it but i can be improved a bit
Added - Sets spam filter, creates 6 aliases per account . NO need for French proxies

1.6 Added - Sets spam filter . Uses Re-captcha and works quite well with MegaOcr (aff link)

2.0 GUI has been re-designed
Added custom username builder
Added - Chooses random extension and sets spam filter
Generated emails are now saved in a folder called and Accounts , a new text file for each run
You can now set how many times to retry the captcha solving
Other fixes and small changes
whats the id pass

and where i the id pass
Reference URL's