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The Miracle Noodle Cookbook

[Image: x3q83.jpg]

Miracle noodles are an easy way to adjust your lifestyle fast. Miracle noodles can be incorporated into any diet easily and unlike
pasta they do not take away any of the taste of the foods they are there to compliment. So why is the miracle noodle so different
to others? This is easy the miracle noodle ingredients are as follows:

• Water
• Glucomannan (soluble fiber)
• Calcium additive

That’s it! No E numbers sugars or fats. The nutritional breakdown looks even better:

• Calories – 0
• Fat – 0
• Protein – 0
• Carbohydrates - <1g only fibre
• Sugar – 0

Miracle noodles are made up of mainly of soluble fiber. Soluble fibre is an important component to any healthy balanced diet.
Fibre is not a nutrient, has no calories and has no vitamins in it. There are two main types of fibre one is insoluble fibre and
the other is soluble fibre. The body cannot break down or absorb insoluble fibre but does help with digestion. Soluble fibre
however is very different. As soluble fibre goes through the digestion tract it does break down and forms a gel. The gel traps
some substances and removes them from the body helping to lower cholesterol. Soluble fibre also slows down digestion which
is why it sustains hunger for longer. By slowing down digestion it lowers the high peaks of glucose going into our blood stream.
(This normally happens after a meal.) So we use less of the body’s insulin. This is why soluble fibre is so important to any
healthy balanced diet.

So go on read more about the benefits of the miracle noodles and how regardless of diet you can incorporate it and feel
healthier and better for it.

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