Great Share it has all source codes... For all devices. Thanks sohomnet +5rep added
Dreat thread :( sorry i don't have any app to share ++rep added. Thanks alot for share your files.
(06-26-2014 10:23 AM) diegotfcastro Wrote: [ -> ] i Created a torrent with all apps
any seed to dowload bro, since yesterday Utorrent try find seeds
That master file has some problem .
can anyone please upload the major/important source code from that master file into zippy or some reliable file host
i know its a drag but if someone could post a list of sourcecode available in the 1GB file others can request for specific file .
Thanks in advance
thanks saltenio30
ohh thanks diegotfcastro for torrent
I also want to know what source codes are in the 1GB file so I know what other source codes I can share that's not in the list yet, thanks!
(06-28-2014 02:46 PM) Almighty Wrote: [ -> ] Superb Effort...
[List of SHARED Android Apps]
Wow... It looks like a great share.. anyways how can we get it?
Here is link for all apps one by one to download. But please don't download all at once cause there is only 10GB bandwidth.... Download just what you need.
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