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Thanks, OP. Nice share...

For those of you that keep asking, "WHAT'S THE PASSWORD?"
Try taking the time to actually look for it, like at the top of the "FREEBIES" forum section.
Where it has been for a long time.
Maybe then you will not embarrass yourself with this silly question again!!!
Great Stuff repped ty
as others have said over and over and over again look before you leap...if your here it is to either profit, share or penalise...I find it unbelievable that someone...anyone...can go to a shop that is advertising freebies and not be capable of opening the front door to get in. Without a doubt anyone that is capable of asking the question (what is the password) should be banned from this amazing site and to be honest from the internet. If you can't find the password then you should not be here, end of story. I was a newbie and will forever be one because the world turns and there is always something to learn, but seriously, if you can't find the password to this forum or the files that are shared then please leave the internet and find a pencil and paper to work with. Is this harsh ? ...yes ...are you lazy for not reading or at least looking ? your salvation here? no...why?...because your to d*** lazy to at least search for a solution.

ps...I don't actually care what you think

Welcome to reality


oops nearly forgot, thankyou for the share....awsome my friend...thankyou
Thankyou for this great share. Max rep added.
(07-14-2014 05:53 PM)Achal Wrote: [ -> ]What is password?
(07-14-2014 07:30 PM)thinkpadvn Wrote: [ -> ]what is password ??


If you don't know the password for the link above will definitely help you figure out the password for

The link above will definitely help you figure out the password for i
f you don't know the password for

If the above link didn't work here is a more direct link to the password for you:
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If you are a leecher use this link:
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If you don't know what a leecher is use this link:
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Have fun!

Quote:ps...I don't actually care what you think

Welcome to reality

Biggrin Brutally honest. What someone else thinks about you is their business, not yours [or mine]. Why does anyone care about something that isn't any of their business anyway? Nothing confuses people more than the truth! What is the first thing you should do no matter where you go? Answer: Get a map or Read the FAQ.
whit is pass
So great! Many thanks!
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