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cipiceuca24, thanks, no need for me to check, but thanks for the offer of login. I just wondered if anyone had tried it, because sonto seemed to think it wasn't nulled. I'll just install and test on my own site.
(06-07-2014 06:22 AM)carson Wrote: [ -> ]cipiceuca24, thanks, no need for me to check, but thanks for the offer of login. I just wondered if anyone had tried it, because sonto seemed to think it wasn't nulled. I'll just install and test on my own site.
Well, then I will wait for your feedback :)
I get this error when I try to use the plugin

Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML() [domdocument.loadhtml]: Empty string supplied as input in /home/content/19/5842119/html/tees/wp-content/plugins/covertshirtbuilder/pages/skreened.php on line 64

Any ideas on a fix?
(06-07-2014 07:16 AM)quixfix1 Wrote: [ -> ]I get this error when I try to use the plugin

Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML() [domdocument.loadhtml]: Empty string supplied as input in /home/content/19/5842119/htm

Any ideas on a fix?
Paste the whole error message. The error should be something like:
Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML() [domdocument.loadhtml]: Empty string
supplied as input in /home/content/19/5842119/htm/xxx.php on line xxx
where xxx.php is the name of file and xxx is the line where the error is found.
(06-07-2014 07:20 AM)cipiceuca24 Wrote: [ -> ]Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML() [domdocument.loadhtml]: Empty string supplied as input in /home/content/19/5842119/html/tees/wp-content/plugins/covertshirtbuilder/pages/skreened.php on line 64

(06-07-2014 07:16 AM)quixfix1 Wrote: [ -> ]I get this error when I try to use the plugin

Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML() [domdocument.loadhtml]: Empty string supplied as input in /home/content/19/5842119/htm

Any ideas on a fix?
Paste the whole error message. The error should be something like:
Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML() [domdocument.loadhtml]: Empty string
supplied as input in /home/content/19/5842119/htm/xxx.php on line xxx
where xxx.php is the name of file and xxx is the line where the error is found.

Line 64 is blank when i view it

return false;

$return['post_image'] = $post_image;
$return['post_price'] = $post_price;
(06-07-2014 07:16 AM)quixfix1 Wrote: [ -> ]I get this error when I try to use the plugin

Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML() [domdocument.loadhtml]: Empty string supplied as input in /home/content/19/5842119/html/tees/wp-content/plugins/covertshirtbuilder/pages/skreened.php on line 64

Any ideas on a fix?
Do you have an account on skreneed? If you don't have one, create account on skreneed, insert your username and password on Covert Shirt Builder -> Settings, hit the Update Settings button and you can use the plugin. I have controlled my error_log and this error appears only after I deleted the username and password on Settings page.

(06-07-2014 07:24 AM)quixfix1 Wrote: [ -> ]Line 64 is blank when i view it

return false;

$return['post_image'] = $post_image;
$return['post_price'] = $post_price;
Nope, These are lines 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 and 69 from skreneed.php

    if($dom->loadHTML($body[1]) === false) {
         $return["error"]["module"] = "Skreened";
         $return["error"]["reason"] = "Error retrieving stores";
         $return["error"]["message"] = "Cannot parse store data";
         return $return;
this code is part of the function get_stores
ahhh. ok.. thank you for getting me straight on that. Any suggestions on a fix?
(06-07-2014 07:56 AM)quixfix1 Wrote: [ -> ]ahhh. ok.. thank you for getting me straight on that. Any suggestions on a fix?
I have already told you.

Step 1. Create account on skreneed. Create a skreneed Store.
Step 2. Go into wp-admin -> Covert Shirt Builder -> Settings and put the username and password used on skreneed account. Hit Update Settings button. THIS IS THE STEP YOU MISSED!
Step 3. Go to Campaigns, hit Create Campaigns button. Create your campaign and hit the Add Campaign button.
Step 4. Go to Find Designs, hit Find Designs button. In this section, the plugin will search for texts over the internet.
Step 5. Go to Create Shirts and hit the Create button from the right side of text or image. Create your shirt.

That's it.
[update] Problem Fixed: You need to create a Skreened Store first before you can create a shirt. I apologize for my lack of intelligence to watch the video first.

I appreciate the assistance. But even with the updated Skreened Settings. I still get the error. Maybe its a cache issue on my end..
really nice share, thanks!
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