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Full Version: [FREE] New Network Security Course on Udemy - 100% off - guess the topic!
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your task is not to find a coupon. Your task is to GUESS the topic I am going to cover in the next training.

If you guess it, you will get a coupon for this new training.

Hope it helps
Alright here are my answers...

1. How to Secure Your Wireless Home Network
2. Wireless Network Security
3. IP Cameras and Network IP Security Cameras
Home Wireless Network Security
nothing with wireless guys... oops... the last one was supposed to be the last tip ;-)
1. Building a Secure Home Network
2. Create a secure connection to the company network.
3. Virtual Private Network
1. home network security

2. virtual private network

3. ccna network security
CCNA Security
Securing Home Network
Wi-Fi Security
Protection against Botnets and RATs

Is it?
Is it?
1 - IOS Network Security ;)
Since I've been having trouble with my VPN today ( living in China has a downside =[ ) my first guess will be:

1) Virtual Private Networks
2) Securing Home Network
3) Wireless Network Security
X) Protection against "The Singularity" (AI takeover of the world!)
Y) Never be hacked again: Kill all humans!
Z) Swirlies: Using haunted movies to prevent against video camera surveillance.

I'll keep have to keep thinking for 2 more

How accurate do we need to be?

1,2,3 are my real answers ^^
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