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Full Version: [Get] Newspaper version 3.8.4 30 May Themeforest Wordpress Theme
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[ V 3.8.4 ]
- fixed view counter + yoast incompatibility
- removed legacy code for backward compatibility
- added text title support to the row shortcode from the pagebuilder
- fixed missing animations from visual composer
- social counter plugin update
- visual composer plugin update


[spoiler] [\HIDE]



[Image: smile.gif] REP'S APPRECIATED! [Image: smile.gif]
how to check for virus?
(06-01-2014 05:39 AM)provinay Wrote: [ -> ]how to check for virus?
it's clean..

thanks goldenfix92
URL: ratio:0 / 52Analysis date:2014-05-31 23:38:46 UTC ( 0 minutes ago )
who is the original shared this one lol Lol Lol Lol Lol Lol
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