06-01-2014, 08:52 AM
06-01-2014, 11:51 AM
Yes, I am a member of her Facebook page too, the one that relates to the 9x12 system. Since then, she has tried to hawk a membership site on how to sell coupon books (duh) and charging some 70 dollars to get in (no thanks). After her going on vacation with that money, I am amazed to see that she is at it AGAIN!
Sure, if you can "steal" her wso's in the forum, go at it. On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the worst BS*itter, I give her a 5 but I only have one regret in saying so, she sure goes for it!
Have at it,
Sure, if you can "steal" her wso's in the forum, go at it. On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the worst BS*itter, I give her a 5 but I only have one regret in saying so, she sure goes for it!
Have at it,
06-02-2014, 08:38 PM
(06-01-2014 06:13 AM)bluefrog Wrote: [ -> ]I guess somebody is browsing Black Hat forums instead of going out and selling these cards - Oh I forget, she publicly mentions on Facebook that she hasn't actually finished one yet lol.You gotta be kidding me..?
Guess it's a case of do as I say, not as I do ;)
Well maybe NOT ...as she is a WSO seller

Are you saying she has NEVER sold even 1 card?
BOY, Would like to see her FB page...

BTW, I got her latest product from elsewhere, and its OK, badly written - BUT if you have some experience in this type of marketing, (OR read it a few times TO GET IT!) this is a viable biz to make long term BANK

06-03-2014, 12:59 PM
link no working any more??? pls reup.....
04-28-2016, 03:45 PM
Any one re-up this??
04-30-2016, 08:58 AM
LOL....here we go again....more 9x12...how many really do this? I have done (similar) 2x and it was a lot of work for the money IMHO
I would say - it can work if you are in the usa, have a large network, have some graphic design skills, telemarket skills,
and access to a wholesale printer - I have all that but the key is to get them all to get their stuff together, figure their ad, get their logo etc...approvals...and get the final pay...a lot of back and forth too in the real world "Oh he went on vacation"..."have to talk to my partner" blab blab
Amber? Ugh - fake - her "blueprint" up there is a joke...charge biz owners a few dollars a year while you do all that junk? Let's get real here....print tee shirts....run contests....make stickers...to get some one on a directory for a few bucks? LOL dream on
Now the truth is - to even begin this you have to be a real go -getter - if you are, I suggest you search these forums cause I think there is a thread with all the 9x12 etc stuff in it = so you can evaluate it yourself. I personally found it way too much work - and I do have a great wholesale printer, I have experience in ad sales, creating graphics. And I found it nerve wracking.
Oh and anyone who say "outsource">>> just about impossible. Not enough money in this to start..
and getting anyone to run after the biz owners for a percentage is not realistic.
While the Bob Ross guy might be nice, I think he makes his money from the wso's and from his wholesale print operation.
I would say - it can work if you are in the usa, have a large network, have some graphic design skills, telemarket skills,
and access to a wholesale printer - I have all that but the key is to get them all to get their stuff together, figure their ad, get their logo etc...approvals...and get the final pay...a lot of back and forth too in the real world "Oh he went on vacation"..."have to talk to my partner" blab blab
Amber? Ugh - fake - her "blueprint" up there is a joke...charge biz owners a few dollars a year while you do all that junk? Let's get real here....print tee shirts....run contests....make stickers...to get some one on a directory for a few bucks? LOL dream on
Now the truth is - to even begin this you have to be a real go -getter - if you are, I suggest you search these forums cause I think there is a thread with all the 9x12 etc stuff in it = so you can evaluate it yourself. I personally found it way too much work - and I do have a great wholesale printer, I have experience in ad sales, creating graphics. And I found it nerve wracking.
Oh and anyone who say "outsource">>> just about impossible. Not enough money in this to start..
and getting anyone to run after the biz owners for a percentage is not realistic.
While the Bob Ross guy might be nice, I think he makes his money from the wso's and from his wholesale print operation.
05-15-2016, 11:41 AM
I really appreciate your review. Maybe someone else will jump in with a supporting review or an opposing review. Either way, it's always refreshing to get some feedback or detailed info about the validity of an offer and the purchaser's experience upon implementing it ... PROs and CONs.
>>> Gave you MAX REP (5) for sharing.
I really appreciate your review. Maybe someone else will jump in with a supporting review or an opposing review. Either way, it's always refreshing to get some feedback or detailed info about the validity of an offer and the purchaser's experience upon implementing it ... PROs and CONs.
