Awesome share thank you >> Rep +added <<
Welcome everyone...Thanks for the REP++ you guys rock
Will upload more with this content. Stay Tune!!

He may have a point, DDairy, I tried to download the file in Chrome and it was actually downloading as if were from the site, a snails pace. Refreshed chrome and still slow even had 35 minutes wait time till complete. I tried the url in IE and downloaded it in mere seconds. Weird never happened to me before, I even used Copy earlier today with no problems. Anyway thanks for the post and reps+++ for you.
(06-01-2014 08:12 PM)ddiary Wrote: [ -> ] (06-01-2014 07:18 PM)karimali Wrote: [ -> ]mirror please
I can't download it
Are u kidding me?? it is direct download and still u cannot download...WTH??? don't download my file then go away.
Great...but password please
Looking around the forum and u will get the password and BE ACTIVE member u sure will get the password.
rep given! Awesome share.
Very useful. Thx. Repped!