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Full Version: WordAi, Best Spinner OR Spinner Chief? which is best?
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For those who have far more experience using spinners..
which one puts out the most human like, readable article?

i'm looking to enter an article that's not unique and get a great unique article out

THANK YOU!!!! Wink
Wordai is what you are looking for in my opinion it produces readable articles and unique articles.
I have only used The Best Spinner. It's okay but you'd have to proofread the spun article.
I use the best spinner.It's work for me.
I THINK THE BEST SPINNER IS THE BEST FOR READABLE ARTICLES,spin chief used it whith seo zen plugin,stupid duplicated non sense articles!!
Spinrewriter is also very good, if you need rewrite article for very lov price, just pm
Word AI is the best but most expensive. They say if you input one unique article you can use it 30 times, but never tested it it is still to expensive for me atm.

The best spinner I use for manual spinning and I think its the most handy tool for manual spinning altough I never used other tools for manual spinning.

Spinnerchief III I to put in one not unique article.. spin it and then I check if it's unique on copyscape. (to post to my web 2.0's or PBN)
It is unique like 50-60% of the times.. else see what the still duplicate content is and edit a bit.
I have been spinning articles for many years and I have read and tried almost all the spinners in the world. I would recommend WordAi, with no other alternative. The Best Spinner has 5000 words limit and tend to crash a lot. Also try comparing a spun article of WordAi and TheBestSpinner you will know.

With WordAi v3 you do not need other tools like The Best Spinner, one day when I have time I will write a review on it. Since I'm really busy recently...
I used WordAI for one day and cancelled the trial account. What a disaster of an article! After it generated the article I had to re-write like 50% of it. For me, WordAi is not worth the price. And to say that it has "artificial intelligence" is an overstatement. Artificial intelligence can only do one thing: mathematical operations. No feelings can be expressed by a machine. As to the other spinners. They are not much better. All the spinners have the same problem: they generate articles in "machine language", not in human language. In human language the wording flows naturally. Feelings can be expressed and felt. Can you imagine spinning a joke, with all the play on words? And I do use jokes in my articles. I would not recommend any spinner, just because no spinner can express the subtleties of language. But if you can't live without one, use the one that spins the closest possible to what your mind would write so you will not have to rewrite the article very much.
My experience and what I expect from spinners. Others will say that for them they are OK.
I have also tried them all. To my suprise since the last 2 weeks with their new API (for automatic posting) Spinnerchief has come out with something exceptional
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