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                      2Checkout Payment Gateway for WooCommerce

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  marketplace.queue(function(){    marketplace.initializers.largePreview();  });
                  Gateway Website: https://www.2checkout.comProcess Payments and Credit Cards Online
2checkout customized checkout pages allow your customers to make purchases in any of 8 payment methods, 15 languages, and 26 currencies. You can get paid in dozens of currencies and multiple methods including, Electronic Funds Transfer that goes directly to your bank accounts, international Wire Transfer, or a 2Checkout branded Payoneer MasterCard.Change log2013.04.05 - version 1.2.1* Add option purchase step* Custom language support
2013.03.07 - version 1.2.0* Compatible to Woocommerce 2.0* Deprecated single routine checkout* Fix bug: fill address2 and phone values
2012.11.26 - version 1.1 * Correct post back url
2012.04.10 - version 1.0 * First Release      
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                                                                Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for              
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          Buyer Rating:                                                                4.64 stars                    4.64 average based on 11 ratings.
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              marketplace.queue(function(){          new marketplace.RatingBreakdown( '.js-rating-exposer', '.js-rating-breakdown' );        });        

                                          Tweet                                                                            (function() {          marketplace.nonCriticalScripts.push(            '//',            '//',            '//'              , '//'          );        }());                      

                        Created          11 July 12                          Last Update          31 July 13                          Compatible Browsers                      IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome                                    Software Version                      WordPress 3.5, WordPress 3.4, WordPress 3.3, WordPress 3.2                                    High Resolution                      No                                    Files Included                      PHP                                        Tags                          2checkout, gateway, module, payment, php, plugin, woocommerce, wordpress                                  
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wow no edit button

sale page here

download link

password request for password here
hi, there is a pass? thx
Password please?
File does not exist on this server! any mirrors?
re up pls.
can u repost plz
anyone have this???
Please Re-Up and PM password (or use BBHF password?)
pancho pls re upload
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