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What WP Plugin, widget or shortcode can I use to create something like the attached image found on the site?

[img][Image: 27zlq9s.jpg][/img]
It is probably a custom script for them

Cap ;)
thanks cap. do you or anyone else know anything i could use to make something similar in wp? or should i just have someone write a script?
is it just the transparent pop up or do you need the functionality
if it is the functionality it will be a huge task as a database to
feed that will be massive

Cap ;)
I can start with the pop up. Thanks.
hey there. This is made using Google Maps API and the nearby places feature. All my plugins are in a mess and unsorted, cant remember offhand of a WP plugin i think there is one or two (automaps v5 ?), but perhaps u can iframe this, or copy the JS/layout, and just make your own plugin.

My first post, no idea how to hide/embed links so forgive me ;) I have scanned the zip and re-7z'd, bt have not had time to check for any dodgy scripts. please give it a check, let me know if it works ok. includes the standard + android version.

info: hxxp://
I just found the WP plugin that i was thinking of earlier, and it is EXACTLY what you are looking for. it works great. Ive included here WP and the JS versions (5.2/5.0). Enjoy :)

Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Thank you soooo much @Loomy69za for your help. I am ever so grateful. I added rep +3. I would give more if I could.
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