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Full Version: Help me to choose the best SmartTV ( LG or Samsung)
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Hi everyone,

I am planning to buy a new LED SmartTV must i go with LG or with Samsung.

I really dont know which to buy, here are my two preferences:
LG 42LB650V vs Samsung UE40F6400
LG has 100Hz and Samung 200Hz and both are 3D.
Price is almost the same, just need to choose one of them.
Here is a look of both:

[Image: TRIqz4J.jpg]

What do you think, LG or Samsung?
Samsung, it's a no-brainer IMHO, I just got one and it the biz, I can watch all me tutorials downloaded on it, I have my tablet hooked up to it, play my apps, it's so smart it switches it self off if it doesn't see me watching it. there's so much more... oh an by the way I can also watch TV sometimes...
(05-26-2014 09:47 PM)Despatch Wrote: [ -> ]Samsung, it's a no-brainer IMHO, I just got one and it the biz, I can watch all me tutorials downloaded on it, I have my tablet hooked up to it, play my apps, it's so smart it switches it self off if it doesn't see me watching it. there's so much more... oh an by the way I can also watch TV sometimes...
Lol, thanks for your comment,
But when we come to the 2 models that i posted, which one to choose!
I am really in dilema and cant pick one of them.
msung, it's a no-brainer IMHO, I just got on
Lol, thanks for your comment,
But when we come to the 2 models that i posted, which one to choose!
I am really in dilema and cant pick one of them.
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