06-08-2011, 10:43 PM
Whats Inside?
A 5 step process to creating your own sales video
Secret recipes and ingredients to making a super successful and highly captivating sales video - no need for special effects, bombastic English, yadda yadda...
Module 02: How to Create Your Sales Video in 5 Easy Steps - Flash Video + MP3 Audio + PDF Transcript Included!
In this video, I show you how the technicals of creating your sales video without the need for costly software and hardware. Also I want to remind you that you don't have to be a pro voiceover talent to pull this off!
Module 03: Sales Video and Page Optimization - Flash Video + MP3 Audio + PDF Transcript Included!
The ideal length of sales video - it's been tested that any shorter and it produce mediocre results... and longer and it will snap your prospect's attention!
Simple images and animations to boost your video sales optimization!
How to increase your signups and sales through this Call-To-Action!
And so much more!
Module 01: Secret Elements of High Converting Sales Videos - Flash Video + MP3 Audio + PDF Transcript Included!
Discover the 4 'P's to successful sales video creation!A 5 step process to creating your own sales video
Secret recipes and ingredients to making a super successful and highly captivating sales video - no need for special effects, bombastic English, yadda yadda...
Module 02: How to Create Your Sales Video in 5 Easy Steps - Flash Video + MP3 Audio + PDF Transcript Included!
In this video, I show you how the technicals of creating your sales video without the need for costly software and hardware. Also I want to remind you that you don't have to be a pro voiceover talent to pull this off!
Module 03: Sales Video and Page Optimization - Flash Video + MP3 Audio + PDF Transcript Included!
The ideal length of sales video - it's been tested that any shorter and it produce mediocre results... and longer and it will snap your prospect's attention!
Simple images and animations to boost your video sales optimization!
How to increase your signups and sales through this Call-To-Action!
And so much more!