Hey Guys, I purchased this for you to review. You can pay the developer if you decide you like this theme...
Fresh purchase, just downloaded from Th3m3Forest...
Never opened file. It's clean and complete for you! :)
REP's Appreciated...
REP's Appreciated...
Let me know if you like it! :)
Rep+ given, thanks, looks good.
rep given
thanks mate! :D
Thanks for the share ocguy!
+ Reps + Mirrors:
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Have a great day!
Jobroller 1.7.4, Newsly Blogger Template, MKRFlat blogger template pls :D
Tried to give you REP for this awesome share...
"You have already given as many reputation ratings as you are allowed to for today."
Give you REP tomorrow for sure...
Thank you again for your nice share....
Welcome Guy's! If you like it, then you can purchase it from the developer of course... :D
(05-24-2014 05:13 AM)ocguy Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome Guy's! If you like it, then you can purchase it from the developer of course... :D
Hi, could you please share the file again, I couldn't download it :) Thanks for the share by the way...