How much do you think they would give me not to put this on facebook?
Cap ;)
I know this is in the wrong section but the right ones don't show
Cap, thanks, I needed the laugh. You know, I think we've all created test pages and even been guilty of typing a funny remark in them but you never want to leave the page up and get caught when it's something like that. Still chuckling. Reps added.
Well anyone who has bought anything from him can now
go ask for a refund, he openly admits that he sells crap
(05-22-2014 11:25 PM)Captain99 Wrote: [ -> ]You might like this too guys
Cap ;)
Nice ! ! ! Nice !!! Nice ! ! !
when you're frying on facebook, I'll definitely put the first one to like. just give a link to facebook.
***sorry for my broken english
Freekin' funny! ... oops, I better go check my sites???????????
always good to get a laugh
Can't believe this!
He's basically telling future users to go F*** themselves for being dicks and buying his stuff
Do I understand this correctly that the above posted landing page was originally on his website? That's not what's on there now.
If so,,, That says a lot about that guy.
can you please be more specific? I know that name Reileylabs sounds familiar but now I need to know why it does.