While rechrng a niche I came across these link-
But I am unable to dwnld the files there... seems it reqs login in??
Pls can anybody download these??? How can we do that???
Thanks in advance
Nope just normal old rightclick > save as routine.
Nothing mysterious about it.
Here's the root of it if you like.
Magic Button :
[HINT] You need to make your links INACTIVE. (text only not clickable)
Actually the OP is correct. In chrome if you either left click or right click and save as you will be either taken to the login page, or you will save download.html which when opened will take you to the same login page.
Well use firefox then - works perfectly and don't have Google snooping in your business.
OR use something like down them all (download manager for FF) for chrome where you can download a bunch of links like that with a click.
Whole buncha different ways to skin a cat.
Have you actually TRIED downloading them? Firefox yields the exact same result, you need to login.
You say you can download them easily, I guess you cannot upload them though ;)
My apologies to you both.
I only saw the save as box popup and closed it and didn't even notice it was saving HTML instead of the files.
Now that I looked closer I see what you mean..
This is rather odd as I've never saw this before.
At a loss what to do now.
It's getting very common, it routes through a download api, which if not logged in will return you to the page for access - essentially protecting the entire directory from downloads such as wishlistmember would