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Full Version: (REQ) Satellite7 v1.4 or newer
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Not a nice theme at all. Flat and responsive but has primitive looks, copied from other themes. Reported few major bugs from people who purchased this, usually header and footer problems. Issues like not displaying properly across different browsers.

And remove your referral link. This forum is not for posting your ads.

For people who really want this. Here is the original file with license : - 12.0 MB

Note : Password is our bbhf default password
Thank you for the quick response!

Sorry, didn't notice the referral code. I own another theme by the same developer and went to their site. That's how I found out about the theme.

I don't have the bbhf default password, could you PM me it please?

Thanks! +1 rep
(05-22-2014 04:32 PM)arsoneffect Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you for the quick response!

Sorry, didn't notice the referral code. I own another theme by the same developer and went to their site. That's how I found out about the theme.

I don't have the bbhf default password, could you PM me it please?

Thanks! +1 rep
pass = Sleepy
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