Best Blackhat Forum

Full Version: New :)
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Hello guys, was just searching for a blackhat forum and i ended up here :)

So, i will be posting a thread later where im looking for help, feel free to check it out :)

Looks like a great forum and im looking forward to spend some time here with you ! Cool
Hi and welcome to the site!

1. Play nice
2. Be friendly
3. Thank and rep the people you download shares from
4. Mirror when you can
5. Offer your own shares
6. No premium links

Other than that, have fun, learn and take action!

@uppastmidnight well said
Welcome roevsmoer!

Come as guest;

Become a friend;

Stay as family!! Cool

Enjoy your stay,

Welcome to BBHF.
You won't get disappointed.
Welcome Welcome Welcome to BBHF family mate, Hope you learn alot and enjoy your time here! Smile
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