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Full Version: [GET] Vine, Twine clone [LATEST][RETAIL][EXCLUSIVE FOR BBHF]
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[Image: ier9r8c.jpg]

Vine, Twine full source code for iPhone
- Upload video
- Rating system
- Like system
- Comment system
- Following system
- Facebook, Twitter, Mail Sign Up
- Flat design
- backend
- 64bit architecture support

- (26.04.2014 - add documentation, fix bug)



(05-17-2014 08:51 PM)hgwells Wrote: [ -> ]New mirror:

stropp to make stupid mirror in alllll post just to make money

thanks Best_Black_KaKao
make money with it?
and mirror used for the long hard link, my link is not premium or fee, and the host does not belong to me ...

then shut up in places say bullshit
bullshit? yeah right, I'm sure you not make money.! In alll F***!ng post you make mirrors, so stop bother people whit that sh!t.
plus rep for the good work Best_Black_KaKao
@weepaa, hgwells is just helping the community by providing another mirror to download if the original mirror gets deleted or doesn't work.
Thanks a Ton!!!
Rep +
Thanks a ton for the share brother..

Is this only the iOS / XCODE clone? Its not the Android one also?
(05-18-2014 01:58 AM)weepaa Wrote: [ -> ]bullshit? yeah right, I'm sure you not make money.! In alll F***!ng post you make mirrors, so stop bother people whit that sh!t.

Agree with you dude HG Wells is either making money or infecting the shares
Every single post with a share he is straight behind with a mirror...hmm seems fishy man
Pages: 1 2
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