(05-19-2014 03:38 AM)mhone983 Wrote: [ -> ]had the same issue here with v1.8...
it seems FB Lead Chef has been updated to v2.0..
hmm..guess have to wait for someone to crack it....
v2.0 released?
(05-18-2014 08:33 PM)kriendor Wrote: [ -> ] (05-18-2014 08:18 PM)khousik Wrote: [ -> ]is there any software like fbleadchef available? I need to increase facebook likes. could you suggest any other way?
Am using Kingstaa software, and it do the job very well for me.
do you have crack for that?
(05-18-2014 11:37 PM)RDalmagro Wrote: [ -> ]http://fbleadchef.com/ and
Same sold out message.
This is the same developer?
I think so
(05-20-2014 12:36 AM)khousik Wrote: [ -> ] (05-19-2014 03:38 AM)mhone983 Wrote: [ -> ]had the same issue here with v1.8...
it seems FB Lead Chef has been updated to v2.0..
hmm..guess have to wait for someone to crack it....
v2.0 released?
(05-18-2014 08:33 PM)kriendor Wrote: [ -> ] (05-18-2014 08:18 PM)khousik Wrote: [ -> ]is there any software like fbleadchef available? I need to increase facebook likes. could you suggest any other way?
Am using Kingstaa software, and it do the job very well for me.
do you have crack for that?
(05-18-2014 11:37 PM)RDalmagro Wrote: [ -> ]http://fbleadchef.com/ and
Same sold out message.
This is the same developer?
I think so
Yea bro..There is an update for it. I check for FBLead Chef update and it downloaded and installed the v2.0. The icon showed released version was 2.0.0. I click to execute it and asked for keys..So I hope sooner or later Hotcrack or Cyberpunk can crack it...(if FBLead Chef had no issue with Facebook API)
Please crack v2.0
Hi, I already have 1 lakhs facebook users email id. now I need to invite 1 lakhs facebook users to like my fan page.
when I use facebook email invite I can use only 500 emails per day. Any one suggest me how to invite more facebook users using email. any tools available?
Read more @ bestblackhatforum.com : [GET] FB Lead Chef v1.8 - Cracked By CyberPunk