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(05-21-2014 02:58 PM)SEOnuketastic Wrote: [ -> ]if you're getting the exe file it's because you're clicking on the mirror creator download link which isn't the link you want, scroll down on the screen and click one of the fille hosting sites that were picked to distribute the file to, hence why it's a mirror creator.
Once you click on the link to get to mirrorcreator, scroll down and select the button "Click Here" for the file host that you want.
You don't have to sign up for anything. Click the link, go to the page, might have to enter captcha and download.
Some sites will attempt to get you to download using their file manager. STAY AWAY!! There will be a box you need to uncheck that is similar to this ---- "Use our download manager and get recommended downloads".

To make it easy on yourself choose Zippyshare and click the button on the top right.
thank you very much because share this product. rep added
A lot of nice things in here thank you!!
Rep added...thanks for the great share
Reps added.

Very much appreciated, Don Kumar.

Does anyone know how to import these slides into VideomakerFX? I only see slides for keynote, Powerpoint and Open but I know they were made for videomakerFX too,
Thank you in advance
(05-23-2014 01:18 PM)Corina-mex Wrote: [ -> ]Will someone please kindly describe HOW to go about actually downloading
I have asked as such none bothered to help or explain!

I am a newbie here and the download page has many choices under the direct links but with all of them you need to sign up, any of them seem to starts to want to install software on your pc ( and no doubt some tracking malware! as well) have adverts that have a mind of your own pop ups etc...sorry but to me does not seem straightforward and really want to avoid virus or malware etc.

would someone kindly be patient and explain.

thanks Jenny
Hi Jenny

I can help you out here, we've all been a newbie once.

Scroll to bottom of pic under the "BUY NOW" button you will see the yellow link "Salespage"? under that there are 3 links to download independently. so starting with link number "Part 1". click on it and you will arrive on the download page with multiple host sites with the download link within, so you can take your pick who you want to go with, the first being ZippyShare then its Uploaded etc etc you get my drift, well next to the name in the middle column you have the actual download buttons, so lets say you want to download from ZippyShare then click the "CLICK HERE" button to the right of ZippyShare and you will land on a page with 2 lines of text, the top line of text will say "Your preferred download link is ready! Click here to go to the page." and it will be clickable and a non clickable link underneath this, so click the top link which i just placed above and you will land on the ZippyShare download page and to the top right you will see a very big ORANGE button saying "DOWNLOAD NOW", thats the button that will then download your item and then just select on your pc where you want to download it too and thats it. Then repeat for the other 2 remaining downloads, then once you have them all downloaded into a single folder you can start to unzip the files. Ok?? Hope you understand as i tried to go back to basics as much as i can to help you out. All the best and good luck. Wink
Here's sign up pages for the rest of his products:
Magic Button :
30 minute web commercials
done for you web commercials
instant video templates
member site hero
perfect pitch
real client case study
premo pressstory
video scriptgenius
video script genius mega pak
video black belt
bonds even missing product that someone will have to share please Instant Video Templates
“Expansion Pack”
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