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Full Version: Sleep is overrated, right?!
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Yeah, exactly what I need in my life... another reason to not get enough sleep. ;-p I'm oh-so-greeeen, but not stupid, nor lacking common sense. Discovered a passion for technology relatively recently. (Don't laugh: got my first computer in 1998.) The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know shyte. This forum looks like great brainfood, so thanks for being here and thanks for letting me hang out.

Sláinte ~ mcgaelicgal

PS. Happy to share stuff, however most of what I would contribute is probably not what you're looking for. As I get to know the forum and its members better - and LEARN MORE - I hope to be able to remedy that.
Hey welcome to BBHF! Hope you learn alot and enjoy your time here! Wink
Thanks! [Image: tinygreenwinking_zpsf5030def.gif]
Welcome Welcome Welcome to BBHF family mate, Hope you learn alot and enjoy your time here! Smile
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