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Full Version: Just Made 100$ for 2 Days. See my own coded Facebook viral script
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Pages: 1 2
(05-15-2014 05:24 AM)ihpalash Wrote: [ -> ]These indians are really stupid. Always they wind up fucked by americans...

LOL, this is your F****** level... your born piece of shit racist. Go and spread this shit somewhere else.
(05-15-2014 03:06 AM)ihpalash Wrote: [ -> ]hey guys, I have coded a viral script 1 week ago and tested it for like 4 days. And believe it or not i have made 100$in about 3/2 days by only displaying ads. I will share the script if I get rep+. My demo script is given below.

please suggest me how can i make it go more viral>>>???
I will share the script for sure!!!!!!!!!

You need to share first before getting Rep ...
Pages: 1 2
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