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Full Version: Anybody attend the webinar held by Glen at MarketingInc
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Hi peeps

Did anyone attend the webinar held by Glen Alsop and Diggy from ViperChill for their new venture - MarketingInc?

I couldn't make it and curious what was covered...or was it just a pitchfest?

Notes, recordings anyone?

any help appreciated

They have a followup webinar on SEO - havent finished watching it but am expecting a pitch of some sort

Here's the link:

Thanks in advance!

Keep jammin'
the most useful thing was his breakdown of the things you mustn't do when building a PBN - aside from that nothing intense. The end was a pitch for the program - $597 for access to the SEO program - with three modules around niches that are ripe for targeting, setting up sites, and converting leads/sales.

It seems like a steroided out version of Becker's Source Infinitum (create niche sites in industries then rent them out for $500-$2000/month). That was the impression I got out of it. I could be mistaken. According to the site/webinar prices are going to $997 on the 19th.
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